**We will ensure all students learn at high levels by: *Building Opportunities Develop, implement and refine a guaranteed and viable curriculum for every course or content area
- Identify the essential learning for every course or content area
- Communicate clear learning targets to students in student-friendly language
- Develop formative and summative assessments aligned to the learning targets
- Create and implement units of instruction that embed essential learning
- Deliver grade-level content with appropriate pacing
- Implement a multi-tiered system of academic and behavioral supports
- Plan and deliver quality, grade-level core instruction to all students
- Utilize our assessment data to identify students in need of additional time and support on essential learning outcomes
- Deliver targeted Tier 2 interventions based upon the essential learning
- Identify students in need of intensive support in literacy and math
- Deliver targeted Tier 3 interventions to students significantly behind in grade level learning
- *Provide students with opportunities to pursue their interests through passion projects**By Challenging ALL Students We will provide grade level content or higher.
- Teams will develop a guaranteed and viable curriculum in each content area.
- Students will be held to high expectations by establishing goals and celebrating successes.
- Staff will commit to provide social-emotional and behavior appropriate learning opportunities during classroom instruction.
- RTI Teachers will provide extension and enrichment opportunities to challenge students who have mastered the daily learning objectives.
- **Students will have the ability to work with community partners during flex days via passion projects.*To Succeed We will ensure students are career and/or college ready.
- Graduate with a high school diploma
- Complete the WorkKeys program* We will instill responsibility in all students by requiring them to:
- Be actively engaged learners
- **Attend school daily **
- Be punctual to all classes
- Meet classroom/school deadlines
- Be organized and prepared for class
- We will promote a collaborative culture by staff connecting and forming supportive and safe relationships with students.
- Advisory Groups
- Canvas
- Student Voice/Team Meetings
- CFA’s and RTI